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Saturday 22 May 2004

Anne's Yummy Brownies and `Shrek 2`

Anne brought some brownies to our apartment today. She went to the library this morning and she happened to bake some brownies so we got the honour to devour them =). They were very yummy though a wee bit too sweet but that's why it's nice rite ;). Actually she was supposed to go straight back to the library after delivering us the brownies but ended up talking to us till 1.00pm hehe. Quite nice for her to bake us some brownies...seriously we need all the food we can get our hands on ;). Anyway she said she was glad to find someone who enjoyed her bakings as her family got bored of them already. Frankly I don't doubt that haha :P. She said she wanted to cook for us in our apartment one day...just that there's nothing here to cook with except the microwave oven (and the kitchen tap is still not fixed). I wonder how's anyone gonna cook here. Anyway i'm waiting for the day she cooks...must be a spectacular moment :P.

Later in the evening me, Jem, Ashok, Paul, Leong and Chuin Hau went to watch Shrek 2 in Sunway Pyramid. Quite funny show but i missed the first movie. Love the Puss in Boots...very cute but very cunning too. Especially funny when he showed those pitiful eyes haha..Well Shrek 2 makes it two movies in two weeks week gonna watch The Day After Tomorrow =).

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