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Saturday, 28 May 2005

So many things happened recently...

Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith
Though i don't claim to be a Star Wars fan, and i know next to nothing bout that galaxy far far away, i still watch the movie. For the action scenes i guess. And this episode has plenty of it =D.

But it was a really weird time when we watched it. Last week, Yong Chen and Yih Seong kept suggesting (or is it daring each other..) to go watch the movie at midnight. And it went on for a few days that the rest of us got annoyed. Then last Friday night, Yih Seong and Pat apparently felt the Force in them or something after watching a TV commercial of the movie. Before i know it, we're sitting in the cinema watching Episode 12.10am! I don't even know why the hell we were watching a movie so late at night..when we all should either be studying or sleeping. Of course, i didn't finish what i planned to finish that night..but it's not everyday we'll be watching a midnight movie ;).

A2 exams update..
As of yesterday, more than half of our A2 exams is over! =). I'm a lot more relaxed now...and i'm sure everyone else is too. Coz all the 'study study' papers are over except for one more Chem 6, and all that's left are mostly practicals. As for the exams, so far so good for me i guess. Still praying very hard ;).

DotA summoning..
Guess Chow's addicted to DotA now haha. Yesterday, right after we finish Chem 4, he's asking people to go play DotA edi. And we heed his call and went for it after our Mechanics paper. Only 6 of us though..our pool of DotA players seems to have shrunk a lot. During those days we always have too many players...but now trying to find people to play just one game is already stressing out anyone who felt the urge. Anyway, Chow admitted he still plays DotA back home, even when we're in the middle of A2..and well, him winning both games yesterday is a proof of that i guess. He's not the undisputed All-Stars of our class for nothing hehe..

Sigh..we only managed to abstain for 3 whole weeks (excluding the one in the Web la..that's not playing, it's juz 'finding a loophole in the system' as Yih Seong put it haha =P)..but the last time we played seems like an eternity ago. Felt less stressed after we play...but not for Yih Seong (read below).

We lost another player to DotA!
Halfway thru our second game, Yih Seong complained of fever. And after we got back home, his fever got worse i think. By nightfall, he's running a really high fever..over 40 Celcius O.o. So he went to his uncle's place to recuperate (we didn't know he has an uncle here..hmm). Hope he doesn't get dengue or something...we're only halfway thru A2. And it's not fun to get dengue ;). Maybe DotA's making us sick..haha. Well, Tiong did get sick after playing DotA too ^^. Anyway, get well soon Yih Seong.. i got dengue after all..
Btw i just got back from UH this morning, and the result of the dengue test is out. I tested positive for dengue..but i already suspected it all along anyway. The extremely high fever is enough to confirm it. Anyway i've fully recovered now...and i think Leong's fine now too. He got out of hospital bout a week ago. Hope he can get back here for our all-day-all-night DotA games after A2 haha...

-12.51am, 28 May 2005-

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