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Wednesday, 6 February 2008

'tis the year of the rat

Happy Chinese New Year to all!


On other notes, will be going back to KL tomorrow, and likely going to stay there for the next couple of months. Gotta look for work to save up a lil bit of money to buy stuff before leaving for UK.

A lot of things worthy of note happened since the last post, like me making a 'conman' fumble for words, me being back home, me going around JB and being reminded of all the memories, me shopping for new year clothes (at last count.. one jacket and one t-shirt - my parents almost died of frustation for me to find some clothes at the mall haha).

But i'm too lazy to blog :P. Maybe some other day la.


For now, here's wishing you a prosperous new year ahead! And may everyone gets loads and loads of ang pow! :)

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